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Supreme Court Extends BS4 Vehicles Registration Deadline

FADA (Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations of India) had filled petition in Supreme Court on BS4 vehicle registration deadline extension amid corona virus lock-down.

Supreme Court heard FADA's appeal on March 27, and given the special circumstances, has offered an extension of 10 days, after the ongoing 21-day nationwide lockdown period, to sell BS4 vehicles along with registration

The Supreme Court also pointed out that the dealerships can sell only 10 per cent of the unsold BS4 inventory during the 10-day period after the lockdown ends.

FADA argued that 15000 passenger cars, 12000 commercial vehicles, 7 lakh 2-wheeler are at stoke due to, first the slowdown in the industry and the later the drop in footfall at showrooms due to the corona virus pandemic.


  1. Okay thank you, you given much more information related BS4.

    1. Thank you Meera for your reply.
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